Prof. Dr. Wilhelm (Willi) Hasselbring

Publications at:
Curriculum Vitae
My major research and teaching interests are in Software Engineering with an emphasis on
- Software architecture design and evaluation
- Software visualization and reverse engineering
- Software monitoring and profiling
- Distributed systems, particularly fault-tolerance, runtime reconfiguration and monitoring
- Component-based software development and Enterprise Application Integration
- Microservices and DevOps for continuous software engineering
- Middleware for grid, cloud and enterprise systemsg
- Research data and software management
- Open science
My current positions include (in German):
- Arbeitsgruppe Software Engineering: Leitung des Lehrstuhls
- Kompetenzverbund Software System Engineering (KoSSE): Sprecher der Kieler Projekte
- Exzellenzcluster “Future Ocean”: Mitglied, Principal Investigator (Second Phase)
- Helmholtz Research School Ocean System Science and Technology (HOSST): PhD Supervisor
- Helmholtz School for Marine Data Science” (MarDATA): PhD Supervisor
- Computational Sciences Center: Mitglied
- Summit: Fachlicher Leiter der Community “Softwarearchitektur und Softwareentwicklung”
- GI-Fachgruppe Research Software Engineering: Leitungsgremium
- GI-Fachgruppe Softwaretechnik: Sprecher des Leitungsgremiums
- GI-Fachgruppe Architekturen: Leitungsgremium
- Graduiertenzentrum der CAU: Vertrauensperson und Sprecher des Beirats
- Address: Christian-Albrechts-Platz 4, 24118 Kiel; Room: CAP 4, 1217
- Phone: +49 431 880 4664
- E-Mail: hasselbring at
- Consultation hour: Tuesdays 2:00 pm to 3:00 pm